1 pound ground lamb

1 pound ground beef

1 egg

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 bu. green onion, sliced thin

1 T fresh oregano, chopped

2 t salt

1/2 t freshly ground pepper

12 skewers (shorter skewers that are flat work best for this recipe)

Olive oil for brushing the pan and the skewers1 lemon

Place all ingredients except the skewers in a medium bowl and mix to combine well.  Divide the mixture into 12 equal pieces and shape into a sausage-like shape.  Skewer each sausage with a skewer and place on an oiled baking sheet while your shaping the rest of the meatballs.  Once all the skewers have been made brush with olive oil, and heat a stove top (or outdoor) grill until the grill is hot.  Cook the skewers about three to four minutes a side, or until the meat is nice and brown.  Once all the skewers have been cooked squeeze lemon juice over them.  Let sit about 5 minutes before serving so the juices stay in the meat.

Makes 12 skewers.