1 4 pound boneless pork shoulder roast

3 T olive oil

Salt and pepper

1 bay leaf

2 C water

3 cloves garlic, peeled

3 shallots, peeled and cut in half

4 carrots peeled

1 bulb fennel cut into quarters

Heat the oven to 425.  Oil a roasting pan with 1T olive oil.  Rub the remaining 2 T olive oil on the pork roast and season liberally with salt and pepper.  Place in the roasting pan in the middle of the preheated oven and cook for 30 minutes.  After 30 minutes lower the oven to 250, remove the pan and add the bay leaf, water, garlic, and shallots and cover with foil and cook for 2 hours.  Remove the foil, add the carrots and fennel, cover with foil and roast another hour.  After the meat has roasted for three hours covered in foil turn the oven up to 425 and remove the foil and let it roast for 45 minutes.  If you have the time you can remove the roast and pull it apart with a fork into large chunks and return it to the oven for another 25 minutes at 425 to let the chunks get caramelized around the outside, but if you don’t have the time the  roast will be delicious without this step.  Once done cooking allow the roast to sit at room temperature 10-15 minutes before serving.

To serve slice or pull apart the meat and place on a serving platter with the roasted vegetables, ladling the roasting juice over all.

Leftover roast makes killer taco’s or sandwiches topped with Kale Slaw (recipe coming at a later post).

Serves 6