1 ½ C water

¼ t salt

1 T butter

½ C milk

1 C shredded cheese (I like sharp cheddar)

8 eggs

Garnishes-green onions, hot sauce, smoked salt, bacon, pepper, sour cream, whatever!

Bring the water to a boil, add the salt and butter and stir the grits in slowly so they don’t clump up.  Reduce to a simmer and simmer the grits stirring occasionally for about 10 minutes or until they are soft.  Stir in the milk and cover the pan and let it sit another five minutes.  Stir in the shredded cheese and keep covered until the eggs are cooked.

You can cook your eggs however you like, but I did mine over easy for this since I wanted the soft yolk to drizzle all over the grits.  I cooked two eggs for me, of course cook any quantity you want.  Ladle some grits into a bowl and place the eggs on top and garnish however you like.

Serves 4