I Just Had to Try Making Ted Lasso Biscuits!

Ted Lasso style biscuits on a plate

For those of us who are Ted Lasso fans, we know that Ted has a standing AM meeting with Rebecca called, “Biscuits with the Boss”. In spite of Rebecca’s protest that there really is no need, she takes a healthy bite, swoons and thoroughly enjoys the biscuit.  Throughout two seasons we see her robust enthusiasm for the biscuits, including the time that Ted inverted the sugar and the salt in the recipe. One of the beguiling themes in a show that’s heavily laced with beguiling themes!

Now that the second season of the show has just ended, recipes for the Ted Lasso biscuits have been prevalent in social media.  And since I’m a curious kind of gal I figured what the heck!

What Do Ted and I Have in Common?

So, here’s the big secret, it’s really shortbread, and in fact, the recipe is almost identical to my basic shortbread recipe in my Shortbread: My Favorite Cookie
book, Ted’s recipe has a touch less sugar and no vanilla.

What is different is the preparation and baking technique. The dough is pressed into a pan and chilled for 30 minutes.  It’s baked in a low 300F oven for 45-60 minutes, until nicely browned and dry.  It’s cooled completely before being cut into the trademark Ted Lasso finger sized pieces.

There are several Ted Lasso Biscuit recipes to try, I chose the Ted Lasso Biscuit Recipe Food 52 since Food 52 produces quality recipes. The only change I made was using sea salt instead of regular salt. They are, of course, perfect with a cup of tea, which Ted finds loathsom.

Cookie Season Approaches!

All this to say, cookie making season is upon us, and shortbread, my personal favorite, is perfect for gift giving, and cookie exchanges. My book provides 22 recipes to choose from, so you’ll have plenty of variety to explore.

  • Irish Butter Shortbread with Sea Salt ships easily
  • Pecan Shortbreads sandwiched with Pumpkin Frosting are perfect for Thanksgiving.
  • Coconut Shortbread, Pistachio Shortbread, and Espresso Shortbread are a great combination for a cookie platter.

I’d like to quote (and embellish) Ted when he says:
“If you care about someone, and you got a little love in your heart (and biscuits on the plate) there ain’t nothing you can’t get through together.”

Happy Holidays!

Ted Lasso style biscuits in a tea cup