Anti-Inflammatory Wellness Coaching from Dorothy Calimeris

Dorothy Calimeris is a chef, author and wellness coach.

As the author of three anti-inflammatory cookbooks -including a best-seller! I know the power of a whole foods diet, but personal experience taught me how difficult lifestyle changes can be. That’s what motivated me to combine my passion for food and cooking with the training necessary to become a Certified Health Coach, focusing on Anti-Inflammatory Wellness coaching. I work with people who are ready to make themselves well, but are struggling with how to start and what to do to maintain their new lifestyle. I work with them to learn what works best for their body and lifestyle, so they can age well and stay active.

Ready to get on your own path to improved health, and a better quality of life? 

Contact me for a FREE 30 minute consultation where we’ll discuss a plan that meets your needs and your budget.

Together we’ll make it happen! 

My Story

The Early Days

I had the good fortune to be born into a family of fabulous cooks, which started me on a life-long love of food and cooking. And, frequent visits my mother’s family farm, where they grew everything they ate, further drove my passion. I grew up eating fresh fruits and vegetables that many of my friends had never heard of, enjoying homemade cheeses, yogurt and butter, bread baked in an old brick oven, and even freshly pressed olive oil and homemade wine! I truly grew up eating fresh whole foods (the one exception was my mother’s passion for Rice a Roni!).

Brick oven
Family gathering
Horse drawn plow and driver.
Horse drawn plow and driver.

My Passion for Food

So, it’s probably not surprising that I grew up to be food-obsessed! I’ve been a professional chef, cookbook author, blogger, recipe developer, and cooking instructor. I know and love all things food—inside and out. As an adult I came to understand that the foods my family ate were not only for feasting. They were nourishment for a hard day’s work. There was an awareness about how to cook and eat to heal. And, it wasn’t about body size. People were fit and energetic no matter their size.

My Philosophy

All my training and life experience has taught me one fundamental truth: good health comes from moving every day, and eating delicious whole, clean and real food. It’s that simple. But simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy.

Shortly after we were married my husband developed type 2 diabetes. It was a devastating diagnosis. I prepared delicious, healthy meals (not mutually exclusive!), packed his lunches, and left notes on the fridge with ideas on what he’d like. But I’d find the lunch I’d lovingly made for him uneaten in the car beside wrappers from KFC or McDonalds. Despite my efforts, he continued to eat the standard American diet of sodas, highly-processed foods and meats, and junk food. He was never able to make the connection between what he put in his body and his health. 17 years later his kidneys shut down and he was on dialysis.  Five years after that he lost a leg, and 18 months after that he passed away. An unhealthy diet and lifestyle robbed him of a quality life, took my husband, and left my daughter without a dad.

My Goal

20 years of feeling helpless while watching someone I loved continue to make bad choices, lit a fire in me. I decided to pivot to a career helping people get to the why and the how of making better choices that will improve their quality of life. So, I enrolled in an intensive and detailed program, and became a certified health coach—I learned about both nutrition and habit change.  I’m now using my life experiences, lifelong love of all things food and food related, as well as all my training to create personalized programs to help people make better choices—and live better lives.

HCI certification seal

Is Working with a Wellness Coach for You?

Reasons to Consider Wellness Coaching

You don’t need to be diabetic or have a serious chronic condition to benefit from the tools I provide. Take a minute and consider if any of these describe you:

  • Chronic pain/discomfort—including joint pain and/or arthritis
  • Gut issues and general discomfort
  • High blood pressure or cholesterol
  • Know you should eat better, but don’t know where to start
  • Are confused or intimidated about what to cook—or don’t think you have the time to cook
  • Your current habits don’t seem to have stopped working

Your New Life After Wellness Coaching

Now, imagine a life where you don’t start your day with a barrage of medications for your chronic pain or acid reflux. Instead, you feel fit and confident.  Diet, nutrition, and cooking are pleasurable activities (really!). You know that fueling your body with delicious, energy-rich vibrant foods is the path to confidence and wellness.

If that sounds good to you, then it’s time to start working together on your personalized path to increased wellness.

You Can Do This – And I’m Here to Help

My services are definitely not a one-size-fits-all approach. I am all about personalizing a plan that works for YOU—so you stay on track and succeed. Because, remember what I said about habit change? That’s the golden key to all of this becoming an integral part of who you are—and you becoming effortlessly healthier.

Contact me to schedule your complimentary phone consultation, during which we’ll discuss your concerns, changes you’d like to make, and the outcome you’d like to realize.

I’ll then create personalized menus, recipes, and shopping lists to help you learn how to cook and nourish you (and your family, if you’d like), no matter your culinary skills level. I’ll provide weekly action plans, practices, and accountability to support and guide you as you work towards your goals. We discuss these weekly updates on the phone, via video chat, or however works best for you.

The #1 thing I want you to take away is… You CAN take charge of your body. And, I’ll be here to help you every step of the way. Let’s do this!

The information received from me in connection with the Program or otherwise should not be seen as medical, nursing or nutrition advice and is certainly not meant to take the place of your seeing licensed health professionals, including your doctor.

Here’s what other clients have said who have taken the program and used my books:

Before I started working with Dorothy, I had basically good eating and food habits, preparing most of my meals.  No real consideration of how food was making me feel. But I was experiencing a lot of joint pain, and taking ibuprofen regularly to soften the discomfort.  I assumed the pain was part of aging.

After working with Dorothy, I feel dramatically better.  She suggested an anti-inflammatory diet, and helped me develop awareness of how my body reacts to different foods.  And how to find pleasure in the meals that nurture my body. I had no idea my diet could so profoundly influence the way I feel.


Hi Dorothy!
I was diagnosed with Graves disease early this summer. In order to best take care of myself (better than before as I was eating fairly clean, exercising, etc.), I began an adapted elimination diet/anti-inflammatory diet. I checked out your cookbook (The Anti-inflammatory Cookbook, with food plans) from my local library. I have looked at many recipes online and also other cookbooks geared to autoimmune conditions. Your book, thus far, has the best variety and good tasting recipes. They are relatively easy, use common ingredients and are delicious.

Thank you for your efforts in publishing the cookbook. It has made my search for tasty, wholesome, anti-inflammatory foods much easier! I even recommended your book to my nutritionist.

Good luck in your future endeavors, especially in the food and cooking world!


Hello Dorothy!
I bought your Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Action Plans book from Barnes and Noble before the holidays and let me just tell you how it has really made me excited about cooking! I am 28 and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 22, and this book makes cooking nutritious meals that are good for my body so easy it feels like magic! My boyfriend and I refer to your book as “The Book” because everything we have made from it has been incredibly delicious and it makes us so excited to cook together. Our favorite was the Garlic Mustard Lamb Chops.

Thank you so much for putting together such an informative and easy to follow cookbook, I will be cooking out of it for years to come!
