Image of pancakes and berries. Recipe by Dorothy Calimeris.

Cornmeal Pancakes for One

Anyone who regularly follows my blog knows of my love for breakfast.  If my husband wants eggs, my daughter wants French toast, and I want pancakes I give each one of us the breakfast of choice.  Over the years I’ve always been challenged about what to do with leftover pancakes.  You can store the batter in the fridge overnight, but chilled batters are never as good as when freshly made.  Or if I make all the batter into pancakes, no one eats the leftover pancakes.  Since I was  home alone and knew no one would eat pancakes but me I decided to pare the recipe down to see if I could make pancakes for one, and I could!  This recipe makes two good sized pancakes.  I enjoyed mine with fresh blackberries, maple syrup, and cafe au lait.

1/4 C flour
1/4 C cornmeal
1 T sugar
1 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
1 t oil (I use almond oil)
1 egg
about 1/3 C milk
1 T butter



In a small bowl whisk together flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, and salt.  Add the oil to the dry ingredients.  Crack the egg into a measuring cup and add enough milk to make 1/2 cup.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well.  If the batter is too thick, thin it with a little more milk.

Place a pancake griddle or large frying pan over a medium heat.  Add the butter and when the butter has melted make two large pancakes (or three or four smaller ones), and cook about 3 minutes or until the pancakes form small bubble in the middle, flip and cook an additional 2 or 3 minutes on the other side and serve.

Serves 1