Paella Base:

1 T olive oil

1 white onion, peeled and sliced

1 large leek, sliced-white part only

1 bulb fennel, sliced

1 clove garlic, peeled and slivered

2 bell peppers (your choice of color), sliced thin

2 t smoked paprika

2 C rice (I prefer Basmati, but any rice will do)

2 C stock (vegetable stock if you are a vegetarian, chicken stock if not, or clam juice if you LOVE seafood)

2 C crushed tomatoes

Pinch saffron

Salt and pepper to taste

 Vegetarian Version

1 large can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed

Meat Version

Olive oil, salt and pepper

6 chicken thigh’s

1 Linguica sausage, sliced thin

½ pound salmon, cut into one inch cubes

½ pound shrimp in the shell, deveined

Toppings for both versions:

1 C peas

¼ C chopped Italian Parsley

For the Base:

If you are making the meat version season the chicken with olive oil, salt, and pepper, set aside.   Place a large skillet on a high heat, once the pan is hot drizzle with olive oil and brown the chicken on both sides.  Remove the chicken from the pan and set aside.

For both versions, add the olive oil, onions, leeks, fennel, and peppers to the pan.  Sautee until the vegetables are wilted and slightly caramelized.  While the vegetables are cooking combine the stock and tomato sauce and stir the pinch of saffron in the liquid so that the saffron releases its flavor.  Add the smoked paprika and rice to the vegetables and sauté until the rice is evenly coated with the contents of the pan.  Add the liquid and stir to combine.

For the meat version return the chicken thigh’s to the pan and add the Linguica and stir to combine.  Cover and let simmer 10 minutes.  After 10 minutes add the salmon and shrimp and cover again for an additional 10 minutes or until the seafood is cooked through.

For the vegetarian version add the garbanzo beans, cover and let simmer 15-20 minutes until the rice is cooked through.

For both versions add the peas and chopped parsley.  Cover and let sit with the heat turned off for about 5 to 10 minutes.  This allows all the flavors to meld and keeps the meats/seafood moist.

Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

1 red pepper roasted, peeled, and coarsely chopped

1 garlic clove

1 C olive oil

Juice of one lemon

½ t smoked paprika

Salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender and process until smooth.

To serve spoon pepper sauce over the Paella.

Serves 6-8