
8 oz (2 cubes) butter, room temperature
1/2 C sugar, plus 1 C sugar to roll the cookies
2 t vanilla
1 egg yolk
1 t sea salt
1/2 C cocoa powder
1 1/2 C flour
1/2 C coarsely chopped toasted hazelnuts
1/3 C Nutella


Heat oven to 350F, line a baking sheet with parchment.

In a large bowl combine the butter, 1/2 C sugar, and vanilla and beat until well combined and the sugar has dissolved.

Add the egg yolk and beat on high until the mixture is well blended and smooth, about 30-40 seconds.

Add the sea salt, cocoa, and flour and mix on medium speed until the ingredients are well blended.

Add the nuts and mix well.

Using a 1 oz. scoop, scoop the dough and roll in the 1C sugar.

Place the balls of dough on the lined baking sheet. These cookies won’t spread much, so it’s ok the place them one inch apart.

Using your thumb make an indentation in each cookie.

Spoon about 1 tsp. of Nutella in each cookie.

Place in the oven and bake until the cookies are firm, about 15-17 minutes.

Allow to cool completely before eating, if you eat them hot you will burn your tongue on the Nutella.

Makes 24

Cooks Note: I’m too lazy to pull out my mixer, so I mostly make my cookies by hand, using a wooden spoon.