4 boned trout

Salt and pepper

2 T olive oil

Juice of one lemon

2 bulbs fennel

1 T butter

1 T olive oil

Juice of one lemon

½ C white wine

Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 500

Place the trout on a baking sheet, or large plate and season with salt and pepper.  Combine olive oil and lemon juice and pour over the trout and allow to marinate while cooking the fennel.

For the fennel, remove the stems and stuff the stems into the trout cavity.  Slice the fennel into thin slices.  Place the butter and olive oil in the bottom of a pan large enough to cook the fennel and the trout.  Place the sliced fennel in the pan and add the lemon juice, and white wine and season with salt and pepper.  Place the fennel in the oven and cook 20 minutes, or until the fennel is just beginning to brown (this can go really fast if you’re oven is true to temp and your fennel slices are really thin, so keep an eye on it).  Remove the fennel from the oven, place the trout over the fennel and return to the oven for about 15 minutes or until the trout is cooked.

Serves 4