This is the time of year for baking and for apples. Last week a friend forwarded a link from the Letters From a Hill Farm blog which featured a buttermilk apple snack cake. I received the link on Friday and of course baked the cake first thing Saturday morning, and I do mean first thing. I let it bake while I took my shower. I made some changes, I used sour cream instead of buttermilk since I didn’t have buttermilk, and even though she said that she used a 50/50 mix of whole wheat and white flour, I used all white since I didn’t have any whole wheat. AND I increased the cinnamon to 1T instead of ½ t…so ok, I guess I made a few changes. In any case it made a lovely, sweet moist little cake, homely and comforting.
It has inspired me however, there will be more apple cakes coming. Baking this cake reminded me of an apple cake I baked for my father about 10 years ago made with layers of thinly sliced apples with a batter poured over, it was so good that Dad exclaimed, “Don’t lose this recipe!”. Hope I didn’t, I’ll have to search. And since I was thinking of Dads favorite apple recipe I was reminded of my mother’s love of Apple Brown Betty, so that’s on the baking agenda too. So you can start with this simple fast cake and check back as I explore other recipes. Hmmmm….apples, cinnamon, butter, warm from the oven.