When I’m off over the holidays I love having everyone over for brunch.  It’s so luxurious to gather earlier in the day with the whole day ahead of us for chatting and laughing.  Ideas in several new cookbooks intrigued me and they defined the menu.  I couldn’t make up my mind about what recipe to build my menu around, so I decided to try them all.  First I had to make those wonderful waffles that Emily, a student at Mills provided for the cooking class.  They really are the best waffles ever.  Next I wanted to try the ricotta berry scones from Smitten Kitchen.  The other two items were inspired by La Tartine Gourmande by blogger Beatrice Peltre.  Lastly since we’ve all been so overfed during the holiday season I made a fresh juice of carrots, beets, fennel, ginger, cucumber, and green apples…a touch or rejuvenation to fortify us for the next feast.

I did a little research on raised waffles and found a recipe in Marion Cunningham’s wonderful The Breakfast Book which is almost identical to the recipe Emily provided, so here it is.  This batter has to be made the day before.

Raised Waffles

1/2 C warm water
1 package dry yeast
1 t sugar
2 C milk
1 t salt
2 eggs
1 C flour
1 C cornmeal
1/2 C butter, melted and cooled
1/4 baking soda

Combine the warm water, yeast, and sugar in a medium bowl until it proofs, about a minute or two.  Whisk in the milk, salt, eggs, flour and corn meal.  Lastly whisk in the melted butter.  Cover and chill over night.  Remove the batter about an hour before you begin to make your waffles.  When ready to make waffles whisk in the 1/4 t baking soda.  Makes about 8 waffles in a Belgium waffle make

Vegetable and Goat Cheese Casserole

1/4 C grated parmesan cheese
1 red onion, sliced
1 zucchini sliced
1 basket cherry tomatoes, washed
2 T olive oil
2 t balsamic vinegar
4 oz goat cheese, room temperature
2 oz. soft rind cheese, rind removed, room temperature (Brie, D’Affenoise, or similar)
1 C cream
10 eggs
1 t salt
freshly ground pepper to taste
freshly ground nutm

eg to taste
1T fresh thyme leaves

Heat oven to 375.  Oil a soufflé dish and coat with parmesan cheese, set aside.  Place a large skillet on a high flame and add the olive oil and vegetables.  Sautee until the vegetables are wilted, splash with the balsamic vinegar and sautee a minute longer.  Place the vegetables in the soufflé dish.  In a medium bowl with a wooden spoon combine the goat cheese and soft cheese, once thoroughly mixed slowly whisk in the cream, until smooth.  Whisk in the eggs and add the salt, pepper, nutmeg, and thyme.  Pour the custard over the vegetables and stir slightly to mix.  Place in the preheated oven and bake for 45 minutes to an hour or until the middle is slightly giggly.  Remove and let cool 10 minutes or longer before serving.

You never want to over cook egg dishes since they will get watery and you don’t want to serve them until they’ve rested or they won’t hold together well.   Serves 6-8

Sweet Potato and Carrot Pancakes

2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
2 carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1 t salt
5 T millet flour
2 large eggs
1 t salt
pepper to taste
pinch ground cumin
1/4 C chopped toasted, peeled hazelnuts
4 oz smoked salmon
4 T creme fraiche
2 T chopped cilantro
juice of half a lemon

Place the sweet potatoes, carrots, and salt in a medium pot, add enough water to almost cover the vegetables, cover and bring to a boil.  Boil until the vegetables are tender, drain and mash the vegetables and set aside to cool.  Once the vegetables have cooled add the millet, eggs, salt, pepper, cumin, and hazelnuts.  Combine well.  Scoop the pancakes with a 1/2 C scoop onto a buttered griddle over a medium/low heat.  Cook the pancakes until golden and flip and cook the other side until golden.  Arrange the pancakes on a large platter and top with dollops of creme fraiche, pieces of smoked salmon, and chopped cilantro.  Squeeze lemon juice over the platter and serve.

Makes about 8 pancake