Since we are such fans of the Vanilla Coconut Sugar Shortbread it was an easy leap to this recipe.  I wanted to try coconut sugar’s caramel-like flavor in a chocolate cookie.  Using a standard shortbread formula I added cocoa as part of the dry ingredients and flaked coconut to give the cookies some texture, I really like the result.  In fact they are one of those great reactions of alchemy which the flavor is greater than the sum of its parts.

I make most of my cookies and brownies by hand, meaning I don’t use a mixer.  This is primarily because I don’t have space on the counter to keep a mixer so I have to haul it out every time I want to bake.  So unless otherwise noted most of my cookie recipes are made with a wooden spoon, and clean hands.

Chocolate Coconut Cookies


½ pound butter, room temperature

1 1/ 4 C coconut sugar

1 T vanilla

Pinch salt

½ C cocoa

1 ½ C flour

1 C flaked coconut

Combine the butter, sugar, vanilla, and salt in a medium bowl and mix until blended.  Add the cocoa and flour and mix well.  Stir in the coconut flakes.

Using a small (1 oz.) scoop, scoop dough onto a parchment lined cookie sheet.  Be sure to leave space around each cookie ball because they will spread.  Bake 350 for 12-15 minutes.

Makes about 2 dozen.