Oatmeal Pancakes Have Never Been Better!


1/2 C oatmeal
1/2 C milk (or water or almond milk)
1 egg
1 T brown sugar
1 T oat flour
pinch cinnamon
pinch salt
Butter to cook the pancake in
Orange Marmalade
Tangerine Segments


Put the oats and milk in a small jar with a lid.  Shake to combine, cover and store in the fridge overnight.

The next day combine the soaked oats with the egg, brown sugar, oat flour, cinnamon, and salt.

Heat butter in a small skillet and cook the pancake on medium heat until cooked through and golden brown, about 2-3 minutes a side.

Place on a serving dish and garnish with a dollop of yogurt, a dot of marmalade and tangerine slices and eat immediately with a strong cup of coffee while watching the cooking shows on PBS.

Serves 1.