This recipe made 11 muffins-I scooped mine larger, but you could get 12 with a smaller scoop.

Heat oven to 375°

Line cupcake pan with cupcake papers

1 ¾ C flour

1 C sugar (add more or less depending on if you want them as a breakfast item, or as a side to lunch or dinner)

1 T baking powder

¼ t baking soda

1 t salt

¾ C ricotta (I use whole milk ricotta)

1/3 C lemon juice

¼ C olive oil (use lemon pressed olive oil if you have it for an added boost of flavor)

Zest of one lemon

1 egg

1 t vanilla

½ t lemon extract

¼ C finely chopped mint

¼ C sanding sugar (I like to use large granule sugar, however if you don’t have it, good old regular sugar will do).

In a medium bowl, combine the dry ingredients.

Make a well in the dry ingredients and add everything up until the mint. Stir to combine well. Fold in the chopped mint.

Spoon the batter (I like using a 4 oz. ice cream scoop) into the prepared muffin tin. Sprinkle the tops with sugar and bake 15-20 minutes or until the muffins spring back slightly when touched. They don’t get very brown so it’s easy to think they are underdone.

Makes 11-12 (depending on how you scoop them) muffins.