

My mom was a great baker. I cherish her spiral notebook with her handwritten Greek recipes and her notes in the margin like “add more butter” or “Mrs. Olga’s recipe”. Mom had several signature recipes, she was known for her Galactobouriko (filo custard pie), Paximathia (Greek biscotti) and Kalouria. Kalouria are a very simple [...]


There’s a Greek cookie I love called Melomakarona.   For reasons I’m sure you can all figure out, I have a heck of a time pronouncing it!  Every time I try to order one at a Greek festival I either point, or start the word and stumble on the ending with the hopes that the [...]

By |2023-01-30T14:06:04-08:00April 16th, 2012|Desserts, Dimotakis/Calimeris Family Classic, Greek|2 Comments
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