fingerling potatoes

Cheesy Fingerling Potatoes

This recipe takes "Cheesy" to a new level! Because there aren't already enough ways to enjoy potatoes and cheese, here's another one for you!  Roasted fingerling potatoes, topped with cheddar and jack cheese and green onions.  Of course you could take this further and add sour cream and bacon [...]

By |2018-12-07T15:56:04-08:00December 18th, 2018|Cheese, Dinner, Home Page, Root Vegetables|0 Comments

Eating Greek

My nieces came over for dinner yesterday.  It was dinner and Skype day, a way for us to all visit with Claire.  I always let them choose what they'd like to eat and they requested Greek, so this time I did an easy Greek family dinner.  The kind of dinner we had often growing [...]

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