There’s a Greek cookie I love called Melomakarona.   For reasons I’m sure you can all figure out, I have a heck of a time pronouncing it!  Every time I try to order one at a Greek festival I either point, or start the word and stumble on the ending with the hopes that the Greek woman behind the counter who was actually born in Greece can pronounce it for me.

The cookie is a kind of butter cookie that once baked is dipped in honey and rolled in ground walnuts, cinnamon and sugar.  In an air tight container they keep well for a long time and are perfect in the morning with a cup of coffee.

This past Sunday I was craving the flavors of the cookie but didn’t feel like doing the whole process of making the dough, shaping it into an oval, baking it, and then giving it its honey nut bath.  Instead I wanted all the flavors with the addition of olive oil in dough.  I love the taste of olive oil, in sweet or savory. Olive oil and orange work well together and I wanted lots of cinnamon and a touch of cloves in the dough.  I included honey in the dough to help replicate the Melomacaronia flavor along with chopped toasted walnuts.  They filled the house with a lovely spicy fragrance and tasted great hot out of the oven.  The olive oil helps them to stay tasty for a long time.

Olive Oil Cookies


¾  C olive oil

1C sugar

¼ C honey

1 egg

Zest and juice of one orange

2 t ground cinnamon

¼ t ground cloves

3 C flour (maybe more)

2 ½ t baking powder

½ t baking soda

½ t salt

1 C toasted chopped walnuts

Combine all ingredients, if dough is too soft add a tad more flour, the dough is supposed to be soft, but firm enough to hold its shape.   Preheat oven to 375.  Scoop the dough into balls and place on a parchment lined cookie sheet and bake for about 16 minutes until lightly golden.  Makes about 4 dozen.