4 large zucchini washed, stemmed end removed

1 pound Romano beans, trimmed, cut into 1/2 inch pieces, blanched and cooked

1/4 C chopped toasted pistachio nuts, chopped

2 oz crumbled feta cheese

salt and pepper to taste


1 shallot, peeled

1 clove garlic, peeled

1 t Dijon style mustard

juice and zest of one lemon

2 t balsamic vinegar

2 T mayonnaise

1/2 C extra virgin olive oil

1 t salt

1/4 t pepper

5 large leaves of fresh mint

In a blender or bullet combine all the dressing ingredients, process until blended, set aside.

Shred the zucchini into long noodles and place in a medium bowl.  Add the Romano beans and about half of the dressing.  Using tongs mix to combine, taste to see if you need more dressing.  Add more dressing if needed and season to taste with salt and pepper.  Arrange salad on a serving bowl and top with a crumbled feta and chopped pistachios.

I like this salad best at room temperature, but you can chill it and serve it later.  If you’re serving it later wait until you serve it to add the cheese and pistachios.  The pistachios lose their crunch once chilled.

Serves 6-8