sweet potatoes

Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Applesauce

I know that when most of us think of sweet potatoes we think of the fall, but lately I can't get enough of them. I spent the entire month of March exploring roasted sweet potatoes and toppings. What I do is buy two or three small sweet potatoes, wash them, slice them in half [...]

By |2017-01-03T09:43:14-08:00December 3rd, 2015|Fruit, Home Page, Root Vegetables, Vegetables|0 Comments

More from the Cooking Class

We had several non cooking classes after our class on Pasta.  We were very lucky to have Ronna Kabatznick, the author of The Zen of Eating come and conduct a class.  Ronna took us through the stages of mindful eating and posed some interesting questions for us to explore about our relationship with food.  [...]

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