
Cod Stifado – Greek Fish Stew

If you see "stifado" on a menu in Greece it could be beef, lamb, fish or chicken.  And most likely it will have tomato sauce and herbs in it.  I like to make my fish stifado with cod since cod is a firm fleshed fish.

By |2017-08-20T11:00:09-08:00August 22nd, 2017|Fish/Shellfish, Greek, Home Page|0 Comments

Lamb Stew a la Lidia

I LOVE Lidia Batianich, she reminds me of a composite of all the best cooks in my family rolled into one.  Her food is homey and satisfying, I love it when her mother joins her, and I’m verklempt when they start singing!  Such great old school stuff! Recently she made a lamb ragout, and [...]

By |2017-01-03T09:43:13-08:00July 12th, 2016|Entree's, Home Page, International Cuisine, Lamb|2 Comments

More from the Cooking Class

We had several non cooking classes after our class on Pasta.  We were very lucky to have Ronna Kabatznick, the author of The Zen of Eating come and conduct a class.  Ronna took us through the stages of mindful eating and posed some interesting questions for us to explore about our relationship with food.  [...]

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